We use our AF off the truck sometimes. If in the same spot for more than a night or 2, especially up in the back country where it's much slower of a drive to take the truck somewhere with the white whale on the back. It does fine, but it's definately more labor intensive to load / unload than unhooking a trailer.
The 2 biggest things to look at are, IMO, space (go see if you think it would be cool with 5-7 warm bodies in a camper that fits on your truck) and amenities (does your wife have the same expectations as when you had bigger trailers (not climbing up in to bed, can't get dressed standing up, have to leave the bathroom to change your mind, s ucky seating arrangement, having to crawl up into the overhead to get that extra ingredient for dinner that's stashed up front, etc).
Also, in general, it takes a bigger heavier camper that is likely not suitable for your current truck to have a large fridge and decent size water and waste tanks.
All considerations not meant to discourage. Like I said, we love it, but there's a reason that there are about 1000x more TTs and 5vers than TCs.
Fast forward another 10 years or so when the kids are grown up, if we are doing extensive traveling. (I see us doing it via RV for the most part vs hotel ing it on long trips)
I will either have a dually with a mongo TC or pull a trailer. But ideally would have a smallish TC for some of the time.