Forum Discussion

QA_Boomer's avatar
Nov 14, 2014

Thinking of going FW...........HELP!!

Hey, all...........I've been a long time "watcher" of this post, so finally taking the dive to chat. If you guys were a bunch of nuts I probably wouldn't want to post, so here's to your credibility!:) My new wife and I are really getting into the TCamping lifestyle, in fact we are thinking of retiring and full-timing. (Yes, we've thought a lot about this.) However, the old issue of space and storage is an issue with TC's, as you all know. We just bought a 2005 Host with a slide out, so it has lost of room inside, but storage is worse that when we had our 1992 Lance! So, we are thinking of upgrading to a FW! Please talk me out of this craziness!!! (And, no, my wife is not pushing me towards the FW.) I know it is all about how we want to spend our time and how we want to use the FW, but I love my TC!! (sigh) Any thoughts?
  • In some states you can tow behind a FW, but my understanding is not all states. As I understand, in California, you are required to have a Class A which has special requirements. Personally, I would prefer not.

    You held back in your first post, and did not mention the Jeep. I frequently flat tow my Samurai. It serves as a trailer when I need extra storage. You might consider that as an option with your TC. Several methods to use the Jeep for storage and still have it usable. In this photo, I have camping gear (including beer) for three days for two people.

  • I guess you just need a enclosed trailer to pull behind the TC. Make sure the jeep will fit inside and the rest of the space can be used for other necessities.
  • Thanks for the kind welcome, Wayne! And good advice by all! I figured I would probably trade in the jeep at the same time, but I saw a pic on another forum where the guy was towing a jeep with a FW......isn't that illegal in most states.....I mean towing behind a towable, let alone the length issue.
  • QA Boomer wrote:
    Hey, all...........I've been a long time "watcher" of this post, so finally taking the dive to chat. If you guys were a bunch of nuts I probably wouldn't want to post, so here's to your credibility!:)

    Welcome to the Forum. We sure fooled you, or you are just as nuts as we are. :R

    QA Boomer wrote:
    My new wife and I are really getting into the TCamping lifestyle, in fact we are thinking of retiring and full-timing. (Yes, we've thought a lot about this.) However, the old issue of space and storage is an issue with TC's, as you all know. We just bought a 2005 Host with a slide out, so it has lost of room inside, but storage is worse that when we had our 1992 Lance! So, we are thinking of upgrading to a FW! Please talk me out of this craziness!!! (And, no, my wife is not pushing me towards the FW.) I know it is all about how we want to spend our time and how we want to use the FW, but I love my TC!! (sigh) Any thoughts?

    A lot to be said for a FW, and a lot to be said for a TC. Full-timing in a TC with two people can be tough even with enough storage. It is doable.

    My suggestion is to take a closer look at what you want to store. I think most of us want to store just too much stuff. How many pots and pans do you really need, how much food do you store, do you need more than two week of cloths, how many coffee cups, how many plates, and how many books do you really need to store? Each of these are small individually, but as a group require lots of storage. If you take a close look at what you are storing, and why, I bet you can almost double your storage areas.

    A laundry mat every two week can do clothes, and a grocery store every two weeks can store lots of food. The type of clothes you store can also make a big difference.

  • This site has hosted many debates regarding the pros and cons of comparing 5th wheels, TT's and MH's. This one is a first for me.

    The one glaring difference for me is that the TC can get to more remote areas that a 5er. That about sums it up from here.
  • We FT'd for 7 yrs in a 34' FW.

    First year out on the road (actually 6 mos.) we realized we still had too much stuff. Not that we had jammed/packed the FW, just that we really could do with a lot less than we thought we could.
    All that was needed was the basics.

    BUT having 'turn around' space was priceless when living on the road.
    We could have done it with a smaller FW which also would have made it easier to get into more areas for boondocking.
    Size does have it's limitations.
  • I appreciate your quick responses.........especially the one about the space in the bed area.........that was pretty funny, Jim! To some others points, I think we could hack it FT for a few years in TC, but don't want another divorce either. We are actually looking at FWs tomorrow. The fulltiming thing is something we've been discussing for several years, so, yes, we are planning a huge yard sale come spring. We are on a plan and a budget already!
  • I would never attempt to FT with my wife in a TC. Maybe the largest FW made and then it would be a struggle. We would spend months having a "yard sale" or "Flea Market" around our FW before we ever thought about going FT.
  • How much stuff do you need to take along? If you have a bunch of stuff than most TCs wont work well. We down sized from a 38' motorhome to an AF 1140 with no issues. A lot of the stuff we were hauling around in the MH we never used anyway. With the 1140 its got a ton of interior storage, especially with the full wall cabover wardrobe. It also has very ample exterior storage so I have yet to be out somewhere wishing that I had an item that I did not already have with me. But I will also say that if I was going to full time in an RV, it would not be a TC.