Forum Discussion

Mike_Up's avatar
Aug 18, 2013

This camper/ tent makes Pop Up setup a dream!

See how complex this camper is to set up. I couldn't believe it. It makes most tent setups to be simple and fast. I don't see how any of these campers sell at all. Obviously they wouldn't sell here, but even over seas?
  • And just think if it does rain, all the tenting has to be dried when you get home. When it's late and you have work tomorrow morning, you still have to set it all up again to dry before mold and mildew sets in.

    Hek, they should pay you an hourly wage just to own this thing, with all the work that's required!
  • No thank you. I could never do the pop-up, hybrid or tent thing. I like going places even when its cold and wet (which with my luck, it ALWAYS rains at some point) and the last thing I want to deal with is wet canvas. Can you imagine getting to a campsite and it starts raining. You either wait till its over, and then set it up on the wet ground in the mud, or you set it up in the rain, during which everything is already soaked before your camping trip begins. Then you hope its dry before it's time to go home, or you're packing away wet canvas that you will just have to unpack again later to let dry, and then RE-pack for the next trip.
  • Too many tarps, poles and zippers. I needed a beer just to get through it.
  • Seems like a lot of work to still be in a "tent". Some of the multi room tents are fun to watch people set up though. Over the 4th had a couple hours of entertainment watching a extended family set up a "tent city" then take it all down 2 days later. Had so many tents and dining flies it took a U-Haul to tote it all.

    Not my cup of tea but each to their own.
  • I think it would be entertaining to see someone put that thing up, for the first time at the campground.
  • This requires quite an involved process to put up - but takedown (and folding and packing away) would take even longer! I'm not sure this would be right for me. I've gotten spoiled by the motorhome - back into a site, press a button to level, put out the slides, then naptime can start... (smile)