KD4UPL wrote:
I'd buy a 10' bed if they made one. I can't fit everything I need in an 8' bed, I can't imagine trying to work with one shorter. If you're going to use the truck to haul, which is what they are for, I would get the longer bed. The longer wheel base will ride better. Usually long bed trucks have larger fuel tanks than their short bed counterpart.
I have owned one 6.5' bed truck. After driving that for a couple of years I went back to an 8' bed. I will most likely never own another 6.5' bed truck.
I have had a number of occasions that a 10' or longer he'd would have been handy.
My TV is my daily driver/hauler. Tomorrow it may be hauling groceries or 3000lbs of railroad ties. Friday it will haul the 5er down to the river.
I was going to put a 10' flatbed on it until I talked to my insurance agent. If I put a flatbed on it they will only insure it as a commercial vehicle. Very expensive and to compound the issue, if I did switch to commercial insurance, I would loose my multi vehicle discount. Adding a flatbed would raise my monthly insurance bill by about $100 a month. I can't justify the cost but I sure would like to.