I've gone with short bed. Yes, there are times when a long bed would be nice. But more times when for us it would be a PITA. I can still put one motorcycle in the bed with the tailgate up and pull the 35ft trailer.
When I want longer stuff in the box and not pulling a trailer I have a bed extender. Lets me haul two motorcycles easily and keep other stuff from falling out.
The short box fits into the garage with plenty of room to spare, Long box would mean rearranging woodworking tools on one side.
And the short box crew cab usually can fit into parking spaces, while there are many parking areas where a 8' box and crew cab would need two end to end spots or stick way into the traffic.
and there are many camping spots we go to where with the short box I can jockey the truck just enough to fit truck and trailer in the pad. 8' box nope.
But in the end it boils down to what you need the box for. Only you can decide.
Interesting that now usually the short box is listed or referred to as the standard box, while the 8' is referred to as long box. Growing up it was the opposite. Std box was 8' the 6.5' was short box.