Forum Discussion

huskyfan68's avatar
Jun 06, 2022

thoughts on Ecoboost

Having too many issues with the 09 F150- The 5.4 that year is proving to be to problematic. I borrowed a friends 3.5L Ecoboost to pull my 5000lb trailer and it pulled with little effort. Looking for feedback on dependablity
  • I don't have a Ford 3.5 Ecoboost but a number of my friends do. They are happy.
  • We leased a 2018 Explorer Sport with the 3.5 EB and only towing experience was a double axle U haul cargo trailer that was probably 3k lbs when loaded up. Power was awesome, I could tow that trailer at 70 mph all day long up and down hills....except for the 7 mpg and 18 gal tank that had us stopping for fuel every 2 hours. Could almost set your watch by the fuel stops. We put about 20k miles on the Explorer before the lease was up but zero problems.

    This motor has been out for several years and don't hear many if any issues with the longevity on the internals etc. Gotta run premium gas though. I think for a 7K trailer it really comes down to how far and how often you tow, I don't think there's any question it will get the job done reliably.
  • Not a ford guy but 2 thumbs up for the eco boost.
    Just do a little research. First cpl years had an intercooler thing going on. And some/all have cam phaser ? issues. But GM and Ram have issues too.
    Eco boost is generally good though. Or they would t be largely the same engine 10 years later.
  • Anything that needs that much attention belongs in someone else's garage.
  • Been towing with my 13 F150 Ecoboost since new. First with the old #5000 TT I used to tow with the 97 F150 with the 5.4. Different 5.4 than in your 09 however.. You could not give me a truck with the 5.4 3v in it... Garbage IMO..

    Anyway, Moved up to a #7000 TT in 2019 and have not looked back.. I did have to switch to 92 octane fuel for the Eco however to take advantage of all of it's potential.. Which, BTW, has proven to me anyway, that it does make a difference... :)

    You do gotta watch how much 'boost' you give it on the grades.. Those turbos will heat up the motor pretty quick. Also, don't lug the engine either thinking you are saving gas by lowering your rpms while towing... Don't work that way.. Yes, your rpms are lower, but your boost is higher, so it just dumps more fuel in it, and also creates more heat at the same time.

    Keep the rpms around the 2200 range while on the flats and it'll actually give you a bit better mpgs than running lower rpms..

    I'll give it a 'thumbs up' with the disclaimer that you have to know your rig and just not put it in gear and stab the go pedal.. :)

    Good luck! Mitch