Buddylam, sounds like you haven't been to a car dealer in 36 years, lol. But they were probably just a slimy back then too!
If you want a new truck, leave the emotion out of the dealer bs. I agree their tactics s uck but they're trying to make money and you want a truck. they don't care about you or the truck. Not unlike a lot of other businesses.
If you got good credit, stand your ground. Also plan on wasting a couple days of your life finding the truck you want at a dealer that won't hose you. I hate dealers too but I'd be inclined to find one of the good high vol dealers that has a good rep, Dennis Dillon, Dave Smith, Indy Truck and go get your truck. Like you said, only have to please yourself and rolling w the camper in a nice new 2016 anything will feel lie, you died and went to heaven over your 1980.