Deez, I think the answer to your question depends in part on what you like to do. Do you plan on going to a destination with full hookups and staying put for a while? Or do you really like spur of the moment camping in remote places, moving frequently? Do you like to hike, or do you like to spend a lot of time inside the trailer?
The reason I ask is that you live in one of the most wonderful areas of the world for outdoor recreation. There are lots of little forest service campgrounds (not to mention boondocking) that would be fine for a small trailer but not so great with a big one. On the other hand, if being in the boonies is not your thing, and you want to spend time inside listening to the rain (which is really great in a trailer -- terrific sound on the roof!), then you might want a bigger trailer.
As you can see if you click on the links in our signature, we went with a small trailer. Our original decision to do so was by accident -- we had no idea if we liked camping or not, we were tired of hotels, and this little trailer fell into our laps. It was an experiment. That was our first trailer, and our second one is the same size -- very, very small. It has changed our lives -- we now spend every vacation in the wilderness, if at all possible. It's not for everyone -- a few rainy days in a row would get to be a real hassle.
Anyway, if you can give us a little more guidance on your needs, perhaps we can help you narrow down the choices somewhat!