If the size has an "LT" in front of it, it's a light truck rated tire. It can have a C-6 ply, D -8ply, or E-1ppky rated tire. The C will have a lower capacity than a D, D is lower than an E.
If a "P" is in the front, that is the lowest payload rated tire if it can fill to 32_36 psi. Their is an XL version, that can handle 45 psi. That tire is more like a C rated tire in capacity.
So as grit mentioned, unless you look at the actual load ratings, you won't know if the tire has the ability to carry the load you need.
In my tire size, an E can carry 3700+ lbs per tire. A P/XL tire 2500 lbs per. This is a 1000 lbs over my spring capacity. 2 XL tires could carry my truck fully loaded at 7200 gvwr door sticker wise. Issue I have, is the size ONKY comes in 10pky E rated tires. I'm over tired bt 2x capacity.