Forum Discussion

crewstx's avatar
Nov 03, 2014

Tire Balancing

I am changing to Goodyear G614 tires on 16 in rims for my 2010 Montana 34RL.
The dealer on has center holding wheel capability but can borrow the finger holding set. Treditt which manufacturers the wheel rim says they are meant to be center balanced only by use of finger balance method which picks up bolt holes.y Montana dealer says they do not balance their tires unless they get a reason such as large vibration.

I have had two tier places try to balance these tires and each time they get a balance at one place on the balancer and the rotate the tire about 90 degrees the next time it shows out of balance.

Is my dealer correct in that you do not need to balance fith wheel tires. and has anyone else had this experience?
  • Please do not multiple post
    See thread running in 5th Wheels

  • If I understand your question you are asking if you should use hub centric (center balance) or lug centric (finger balance) balancing on your 5er wheels.

    I would say it depends on the wheel and the hub. If the wheel manufacturer states that the wheels should be balanced hub centric then your wheels should slide snugly onto the center hubs on the trailer. If the wheels and hubs do not slide snugly onto the hub then you really only have the lug studs to center off of and therefore need to do a lug centric balance.

    Clear as mud?
  • Discount Tire didn't have any issues balancing our rig's ST tires, they definitely ride smoother than the stock tires we had from the factory that were not balanced.
  • I have been running the GY G614's on my 5er since 2008 and each time I either replace 1 ... or all .. I have them static balanced....With zero issues