You guys keep skimming over the word "maximum" written on the sidewalls of the tires and on the door stickers.
Pump the tires up to such-and-such a pressure for *maximum* rated capacity. That's what the wording means.
It doesn't say, "Keep the tires at this pressure, and this pressure only, or we will ambush you on a random street corner, drag you out of your truck, beat you to a bloody pulp in front of your family, and haul you off to tire jail where you will be forced to perform hard labor until your death."
You guys act like its a high crime to run tires at any pressure other than what's written on the door post or what's written on the sidewall. Chill!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with running your tires at the recommended pressures. It is perfectly safe, albeit the ride might be a little rough and you may notice the middle of the tread wearing out first.
However, if you know your load and get the tire inflation charts from the manufacturer, there is also nothing wrong with "tuning" your tires to the load by running some pressure other than what's written on the door/sidewall!
There is also nothing wrong with drawing on years of experience and running pressures that you know work, because they almost certainly match up with the manufacturer's recommended pressures for that load.