Man alive ! I go out for a few hours with the chainsaw to cut up a fallen tree....and come back to this thread ! Ha ! Ha ! ....look how all my forum buddies are acting :B :E
To the original poster, you can spend endless hours on this and other forums reading about tires, what works, what fails, etc, ad naseum.
If you want what I would consider the cliff notes version, it's likely going to come down to this:
1. lots of folks report problems with ST tires.
2. lots of folks have switched to LT tires and "mostly" solved their tire failure issues.
For what it's worth, here is example of a "commercial euro metric" tire ( vans, light trucks, and trailers ) that has molded into the sidewall, the letters "LT Radial". You can take that to mean whatever you want. It is on the sidewall of the Kumho 857's that are on one of my trailers.
Good luck in your choice, and happy camping to you.