Huntindog wrote:
You can believe the marketing propaganda if you wish.
I believe in the testing standards.The standards are much tougher for LTs...That is just a fact. It is also WHY it is prfectly legal to use LTs on a trailer....And why it is illegal to use an ST on an automobile....In fact it is so illeagal that it MUST state this on an ST tires sidewall.
Haha, I thought of you as I was pulling a guys old Travel Trailer this weekend.
It was a grungy old junker and I was being nice, but without even looking at it, I brought a floor jack and lug wrench so a blowout would be an easy repair.
It did blow one tire in the 600miles I pulled it, too fast for the tires. I was semi shocked to see 2004 mfg dates on all of them when I changed that one though! That blowout was the owners fault, not the tire.