Given that the 19.5's aren't going to work on the beach, I cancelled the order and I'm back to the drawing board.
I wanted to go that route for some extra safety but the #4080 option does still give me at least #500 headroom when fully loaded.
I definitely want to upgrade the wheels from the OEM. I've looked at the Methods and the American Force.
Near as I can tell the stock rims are 8"x18" with an offset of +40mm (taken from wheel-size.com) for my LT275/70R18 OEMs.
The Method MR305 NV HD are and 18"x9" with an +18mm offset with 5.7" spacing.
From what I've gathered in research:
An 9" rim with +18 offset means the mounting surface of the rim is about .7" into the front half of the wheel. That means back spacing would be 4.5 + .7 = 5.2". That's a .5" off from the spec.
Any flaws in my logic so far?
I can't find the spacing value for the current OEM rims so I don't know how to reason about the 5.75" spacing on the Methods but I'll try my math again.
I'm guessing at the OEM back spacing to be:
An 8" rim with +40 offset means the mounting surface of the rim is about 1.6" into the front half of the wheel. So the backspacing would be 4 + 1.6 = 5.6".
It seems like these rims would work and not cause an spacing issues in the wheel well.
Thanks again for all of the help.