Wow, you guys sure like to get a topic off track... Bringing it in to focus... So called the campground a few days ago. We managed to get some electric sites for a few of the days but it is away from where family will be. That person said it was okay to run a generator in the non-electric sites (hence why I posted this question). Turns out, that was bad intel... Called today and another person said they don't allow any generators at the campground (something I personally prefer myself though makes this trip a bit more complicated).
On the plus side, the weather forecast seams to be holding well for us. It is a 14 day forecast so it isn't super accurate but if it holds, looks like most days peak temps will be high 70s to mid 80s with lows in the 60s. In short, perfect camping weather.
I'm tempted to just let the electric sites go at the risk of a hot momma if the weather forecast sours on us. We only have those sites for 5 of the 7 nights and one of those nights we would have to move locations. It is also far away from where family is so the entire experience would be constant going back and forth between the two areas.
My backup plan to combat the heat is two fold... Purchase some good fans that we can run to keep things cool for the babies. The second is, know when to call it and head home if it is just too hot. The first option is fine but with about a 6 or 7 hour drive to get there, it is quite the risk of a long drive back the next day if we can't make it work.
In the end though, I am just thinking that being so far away from where the activities and family will be will make the entire camping trip experience not what we are going up there for in the first place. I'd rather risk coming home early (based on current prospects of good weather forecast) then to end up spending my day walking back and forth between spots.
What would you do?