It will all depend on what tune you use. I have two different EFI Live custom tunes and while both get better fuel mileage then stock, one gets noticeable better fuel economy than the other.
The one that gets better fuel mileage hardly ever goes past 1,600 rpm and will lug down to 950 rpm with the transmission tuning. The added power lower in the powerband allows for this. Another thing this tune does to conserve fuel is alter the VGT vanes to stay around half open cruising down the highway which is where VG turbos are most efficient. The tune that gets worse fuel mileage keeps me above 1,600 most of the time and the VGT is always around 30% while cruising down the road.
So if you decide to do it, research the proper tuner and ask plenty of questions. The right tuner can make a world of difference no only for fuel mileage, but also for reliability. There is also a myth that DEF trucks do not gain when deleting, but this is false.