You have made the right decision. WD and sway are two entirely different issues. Those who to with large trucks claim that they don't really need WD an they are often correct. But then following with they don't need sway control are usually misinformed. While it is correct that properly set up systems reduce the probability of sway, it does not completely eliminate the chance of sway. Extreme weather conditions, passing trucks, blowouts and panic moves are not something we can plan for.
Getting a hitch that deals with WD and has built in sway control is the answer as far as I am concerned. There are many hitches out there today that do a good job in both regards. Get one and get it set up correctly and you will sleep much better at night.
I have an Equalizer and love it but I have never had anything else so I can not say much about the options. All I know is that mine works for me and after 30K miles, I remain a happy camper.