Forum Discussion

tuna_fisher's avatar
Mar 19, 2014

toilet problem?

I have a camper that's been sitting unused for a couple of years(i have 2)and I went to get it ready to sell and the toilet won't hold water.I worked the seal with my hand and then scrubed the seal with a toothbrush trying to get it clean and flexible, then coated it with some lube. Still leaks, you can hear it dripping. The disc or whatever you want to call it looks pretty worn, it kinda has a dip in it on the leading edge as it closes. Any suggestions? How do you replace that seal if I can't get it to stop leaking? Or the whole thing.
  • tuna fisher wrote:
    If I can't get it to hold water can someone show me or direct me to how to replace it?

    Different procedures for different toilets......depends.
    Some bowl separates from pedestal, some you have to remove toilet and get to seal from underneath, some you can replace seal thru the bowl.

    What Brand/Model??

    Google (X BRAND X Model toilet bowl seal replacement) that and lots of info/directions even vids are available.
  • If I can't get it to hold water can someone show me or direct me to how to replace it?
  • 2oldman wrote:
    Leaky toilet seal - fixes 2010
    Thanks for the link, I did a search but missed that one. I used Vasline and no bueno. Like the coat hanger idea, will try that and ATF. As the post said, I going to "southern it", thanks again.
  • Try some olive oil......

    Work it into the seal and then leave a cup of it in bowl.

    Otherwise...replace the seal and blade

    Just google the brand of toilet.........lots of info