Forum Discussion

Godspeed999's avatar
May 28, 2013

Tongue Jack Help/Recommendations

This is actually for my 72yr. old father.

2010 RAM 1500 4th Gen 5.7 Hemi

Coachman Freedom Express 292BHDS - Freedom Express - Coachmen RV specs

Equalizer WDH

The factory jack burned out after 1 season and was replaced with an Atwood jack which seemed a lot more powerful. But after 2 seasons, it too has burned out. I think the trouble is a result of trying to place the WDH bars on the 'mounts' by utilizing the jack to lift the coupled truck and trailer high enough to get the bars on. He is using the lever tool, but it's just downright impossible with the amount of sag to do it without the aid of the jack.

Is this wrong?

Looking at other jacks, his RV dealer is talking to him about a Husky or a Bulldog.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • I used a Barker 3500 on a 31' TT for 15 yr. I always latched up bare handed with the jack. I think I replaced the motor once in the time I had it. Best accessory for a TT ever invented.

    I had to file out the hole to make it fit.
  • Get a 3500 lb jack or higher. Brand is really not that important as long as it is a major brand. There are some that will argue that but it just goes up and down and as long as it does it when you need it too it is perfect.
  • one thing to watch out for is when raising and lowering, always stop before reversing direction. this will either burn up the jack or blow a fuse.
  • My best guess would be that he has the Atwood Deluxe, rated for 2500#. Their literature specifically states that when using the jack with WDH bars, the 3500# HD unit should be used.

    One of the local RV dealers here appears to carry Atwood, Bulldog (whom happen to have a 4000# unit) and Barker.

    I've given him the information and suggested he give them a call tomorrow to discuss.

    Thanks again.
  • Spend a few extra bucks to get the highest capacity that will fit in the hole on the trailer (there are a couple of different standard sizes of hole). In my opinion, using the power jack to lift the hitch to allow the WD bars to be installed by hand is the safest way to hook up.

    On our last trailer we had a cheapy no-name that only lasted a couple of Seasons. We replaced it with a Barker that was much heavier duty. New trailer came with a Barker ......

    With a 1000 pound tongue weight, a power jack is the only way to go ....
  • Thanks guys. I'm just looking at the Atwood site now. Not sure which of the four duty levels their jack is.

    "Choose from Four Jacks
    Atwood Power Jacks lift, not merely support, the following weights:
    Lightweight ................. 1,500 lbs.
    Standard .................... 2,500 lbs.
    Deluxe ....................... 2,500 lbs.
    Heavy Duty ................ 3,500 lbs."

    I'll have to ask and perhaps just get him to step up to a higher rating.
  • Our 2500# Atwood has been lifting enough weight to do the hitch bars/chains with our bare hands for 6 years now. Good luck.
  • Get the highest capacity one you can find. I would not worry about raising the assembly, just be careful your not trying to lift too much.