I towed with a Titan, crew cab.
Trailer was a 294bhs, 33ft long, which is 5635lbs empty, 1890lbs carrying, so call it 7600 or so loaded. With three kids, two adults and a generator in the back of the truck. Titan was rated 9100.
Towed fine. Plenty of power, plenty of brakes in the mountains around Tennessee, Kentucky, etc.
Biggest issue, rear springs are too soft. It took a lot of bar on the WDH to keep everything right, I would have the rear end of the truck almost off the ground to put the torsion bars on.
Second problem, a little sway from trucks. I ran a normal torsion bar WDH hitch with no sway control.
Final problem. Tiny fuel tank for the mileage when towing. About 200 miles between fillups keeping a decent reserve.
If this is the vehicle you are going to use, I highly suggest spending more on a hitch that has better sway control built in. It would probably be worth it to spend the money on a Hensley or something.