WD bars are a lot like shoes. Too big is no good as is too small. The right size is the right size.
Many here advocate moving up in bar size,so that when the next larger TT comes along, new bigger bars won't be needed.
I disagree. Sure one can probably make it work... But it will never work as well as it should.
Bars are working springs. They need to be strong enough to transfer the needed weight, and NO stronger...
When a TT/TV go thru a dip, or enter/exit a steep driveway... The bars MUST bend. Too strong of a bar can resist bending to the point where the TV tires lose traction, or stress the TT frame to the point of damage... This is a particular concern with many of todays TTs using lighter frames to save weight.
My Fleetwood manual actually had ratings on how heavy a bar was allowed based on how thick the frame was.
Now having said all of that... In some cases a step up or down in bar size may be beneficial.
A stiffly sprung TV may be a little better with a slightly weaker bar, and a softly sprung TV may be better with a slightly stronger bar.... But when in doubt, try to match the actual TW.