Forum Discussion

valhalla360's avatar
Dec 01, 2020

Tow Haul Mode

I realize Tow Haul Mode isn't new but only recently got experience with it and figured I would share some thoughts.

We've had the truck (2008 F250 V10) for 3 years but life only allowed for some local trips in relatively flat areas and I never remembered turn it on. This year we can't get out of the country for the winter, so we loaded up and headed west.

On flat roads and accelerating, I'm kind of indifferent to it holding the gears a little longer. Doesn't really impact the driving experience much.

What surprised me is the downshifting when coming to a stop and semi-automatic downshifting on hills (tap the brake and it downshifts). At first, I just heard a whining coming to a stop light and until I caught on the truck was downshifting to help slow down, I thought something was wrong.

This truck really holds speed nicely on steep down grades. We've had several 6-7% downgrades of several miles this fall and almost never have to touch the brakes (RPM never going much over 3000 or making any really noticeable noise).

I drove my Dad's trailer out to Phoenix for them a couple times and coming down out of Flagstaff, you had to pay attention. It was a 3/4 ton dodge van with a 360 and even downshifting, you really had to work the brakes to keep speed from getting out of control and the engine was screaming if you let the speed get too high.

Then our first truck was a 1992 F250 with the 7.3 diesel (but before they added turbo). Generally loved the engine but it did almost nothing to help out on downgrades.

Then I found myself playing with it in some of the national parks not towing. Lots of steep switchback roads where you want to go 20-40mph. Following cars that are riding the brakes pretty much for miles and one tap and it downshifts and just strolls along without having to touch the brakes but when you hit a straight section, no need to touch the gear shift, just give it some gas and she shifts to a higher gear.

I haven't had a diesel with the newer exhaust brakes but this truck really does such a nice job downhill, I can't see having a need. Mind you we are pulling a 7500lb trailer so up hill is no issue even with some altitude thinning the air out.

Hope people find this useful.