Dog Folks wrote:
450 miles of range with 35 gallon tank, in the rig show below..
It depends on how far you want to drive in a day.
We only drive 150-200 miles (1/2 tank) and refuel when we are unhooked for the night.
Saves having to maneuver the 53 foot long rig in fuel stations.
Others will have different opinions, of course, but this is what works for us.
Like you I don't like to maneuver my rig in and out of gas stations. I fuel up after I unhook. So I only drive 200 miles but the fuel price at that location may be 25 cents higher than 200 more miles down the road. My OEM tank is 38 gal and I have a 50 gal aux tank in the bed of the truck. I can use GasBuddys and search our cheaper fuel be it 200 plus mile down the road