X2 and add that it is very much like 'safety margin' in my book
Sub is a GMT400, so 42 US gallons. Also carry 5 US Gallon Jerry cans
when going to remote areas.
Have had a a bad tank on a trip to DisneyLand. Changed out the fuel
filter the day before the trip. A week later back home...the next day
leaving work had the Sub die. Towed home and took out the fuel filter
to find it about 2x in weight. Took it to work and had the guys in
the lab cut it open and take a mass spec. Rust (iron), dirt and more
rust. Guessing one of the stations along Highway 5 didn't have it's
filters in or bypassed.
This also killed my fuel pump and had to drop that 42 gallon tank that
had just been filled.
I like...LOVE margin of any kind ! :B
fj12ryder wrote:
The nice thing about carrying plenty of fuel is that you can choose where you want to stop.
You can pick a nice quiet rest stop, or visitors center and have a nice lunch.
You can pick a noisy, stinky, crowded, smelling of diesel fuel truck stop/gas station.
Pretty easy choice IMO.