labren wrote:
Great far as the auxiliary tanks go, does your stock fuel gauge get left behind when on the aux tank, and you strictly go by mileage, or how does that part work?
Mine is a very basic setup: tank, transfer pump, and hose and nozzle. When the fuel gauge gets low and the opportunity presents itself, I'll transfer fuel, with the pump and nozzle, from the auxiliary tank to the main tank.
I have a 35 gallon main fuel tank, and the 37 gallon auxiliary tank. I fuel up once a day, at the end of the day when we drop the toyhauler. I don't have to worry about whether I can get into or out of a station. It makes for a wonderfully stress-free day.
The tank, pump, and hose and nozzle was only about $400. It works great for me because I'm a real cheapskate. :)