Forum Discussion

labren's avatar
Oct 27, 2014

Tow vehicle fuel tank size

Researching for suitable truck to pull 32 ft 5th wheel, and was quite sold on the 2015 Ford 1 ton with a 6.5 ft box, right up until I found out it has a 98 litre gas tank. With the 1/2 ton I currently own, I am pulling a 25 ft trailer and I am always stopping due to it's 22 gal tank and gas engine. The question is, with a diesel 1 ton towing a 5th under 10000 lbs, with a 98 litre(25.8 g) fuel tank, does this seem wrong to you, because to me it looks like I am going to be stopping all the time at gas stations, just like I am now?
Any comments are welcome,
thanks again.
  • Thanks for the reply, any idea Dog Folks what size of fuel tank you have. Perhaps my 5.7 gas engine is working a little too hard with the trailer. If I switch to a 5th, I was concerned that a 1 ton diesel with 98 litre tank (25.8 gal) would be too small of tank. I presume you are diesel.
  • 450 miles of range with 35 gallon tank, in the rig show below..

    It depends on how far you want to drive in a day.

    We only drive 150-200 miles (1/2 tank) and refuel when we are unhooked for the night.

    Saves having to maneuver the 53 foot long rig in fuel stations.

    Others will have different opinions, of course, but this is what works for us.