Using dry weights to match up a tow vehicle is not a good idea.
You posted 7960 trailer and 790 hitch weight. Using those weights, that trailer was over 8000 lbs and about 825 lb hitch weight, before it left the dealers lot. Now, it has been loaded for camping, which adds on average 800 - 1000 lbs. When used for seasonal sites, they're normally loaded a little heavier. What you're really looking at towing is more like 9000 lbs with 1125 lbs hitch weight. And, it could be more. Besides the hitch weight, your payload takes another hit (about 100 lbs) from your weight distributing hitch.
Manufacturers have no way of knowing what or who you will be carrying in or on the tow vehicle. Thus, their calculations for payload and tow capacity, do not include room for aftermarket accessories, people, pets, or cargo. If any of these things are added to the tow vehicle, it's available payload and tow capacity are reduced, pound for pound.
You need a tow vehicle that has enough available payload to carry the weight of everybody / everything you put in or on the vehicle, plus a minimum of 1300 lbs.
The numbers look like, an Expedition, matched with your trailer, would be at or over it's max ratings, before you add a passenger or cargo.