Well it all depends on everyone's own situation. There is a lot that I don't about how you camps or plan on camping. With a trailer that size which just a little longer but a little lighter you should expect at least 1000lbs of tongue weight. Will a wdh compensate for that, Yes but not if you have 1000lbs of people in the cab and 2 rows of firewood in the back of the truck.
The truck will have plenty of power. Unless you live where its especially hilly or plan to camp where its hill I wouldn't worry about power. I live in the catskill mountains in NY and camp in the Adirondack and part of the Green Mountains in VT. The truck will surprise you as it did me. I mean like 3k rpms is the highest i've seen but there are worse mountains out there.
As I said your payload is pretty high (for ram) at around 1600lbs mine is 1165 from factory so you have about 450lbs more than me. Truthfully if I could do it all over again I would probably buy a bigger truck but at the time I didn't plan on buying a trailer.
If you have 2-3kids weighing 3-400lbs and bikes and stuff you will most likely over loaded, but may be within axle limits as I am. Yes you can put bike racks on the back and stuff in the trailer. The best way for me to tell you is find a scale I know its not easy the closest one for me is an hour, and go weigh your truck with your family and a full tank of fuel. This will tell you approx how much payload you have left for the trailer.
Most definitely you will need a wdh w/ anti sway thats a given for any trailer of that length. Do you have a trailer brake controller and class 4 hitch. I had both from manufacture. Some don't like the oem brake controller, I happen to think it works good and haven't had any issues. If I didn't have one installed from factory I would probably get the p3 controller or if you like things to look factory you can get the kit and have the dealer put it in.
I have airbags for Hauling firewood, you will not need them if all you plan on is firewood.
I don't know who said you will be fine...if its the trailer dealer don't believe them they will also tell you, you can do a 5th wheel if your willing to buy it
Side note, do you have the 8spd or 6spd tranny?