Community Alumni
Nov 13, 2017To the OP
Most times speed limits set are for safety reason, but often times they are not. If the community or politicians feel it should be set to to a specific number then that what it's set to. For example, I live in a county where you can petition to have the speed limit lowered down to 20 mph in your neighborhood if more than half of the people agree to it. They won't do it on any major thoroughfares, but all other streets are fair game. Having a good reason for it isn't even required. Sometimes this is done to curb speeders, but often neighborhoods do this to discourage and decrease the amount of thru traffic going through their neighborhoods.
Some unscrupulous municipalities artificially lower their speed limits to make it easier to catch speeders and get the revenue from it. Back in the early 2000's our highway speed limit was lowered from 65 down to 55 here in Houston. This wasn't for safety reasons, but legislators felt that lowering the speed limit would reduce the ground level ozone levels. Turns out it didn't have a huge impact and the state made improvements elsewhere. The speed limit was raised by 5 mph a couple of years after being lowered.
Speed limits are a lot like manufacturer tow and load limits. Often only those who set them know why they are set at that point. It's best just to follow the limits presented to you on a sign or sticker.