Great discussion and thank you all for the various points of view. More than anything else what I am concerned about is road rage and impaired drivers; a study by the National Highway Safety Commission showed that States which have legalized marijuana are having more vehicle accidents than those that have not. The entire west coast of the U.S., California, Oregon, and Washington State, have all legalized marijuana for recreational use and I am concerned about what this may do to driving conditions which are already crazy on the interstate.
Nevada just opened up a drive thru for purchasing marijuana; you drive up, stay in your vehicle and buy your product at the window, and then drive away. I am not really talking about marijuana; rather I am talking about more people on the road impaired when we already had a bunch of people getting a DUI for alcohol. All of us need to be extra careful out there regardless of the posted speed. Although I do not tow at 55-mph in California because I think, as others have stated, that slower speeds can cause accidents just as much as higher speeds. 60 to 65-mph seems safe to me on the interstate. But I am glad to read about the different opinions on trailer tires and speeds which many of you have posted here.
Again, thanks for the discussion.:)