Hi Don. Depends what you are towing. If you are towing a 1200 kg or less teardrop trailer with good aerodynamics and you are keeping it 90 kmh or less probably plan on losing half the guided range and then everything else is a bonus. That EV6 has similar specs to a Tesla model Y. Most of the model Y drivers that are towing that we have talked to follow those guidelines and are not disappointed.
Having said that, we are in BC. Speed limits are lower and roads are whindy and hilly, so towing over 90 is kind of rare unless you like to live dangerously. Campgrounds are close and lots of them. As well charging infrastructure is very good. Not sure what it’s like where you are but keep all that in mind. Depending on where and how you camp it may suit your needs fine. But if long regular hauls are in your future then maybe a half ton with a big tank is better suited to the job.
All JMHO Don. Not an expert.