Looked at the 2012 Escape and a 2013 Escape. We bought the 2012 Escape due to having a larger cargo area.
The 2013 was shorter in the cargo area which limited the size of cargo.
As far as limitations on towing go, the payload was only about 800 lbs with the 2013 Escape opposed to about 1050 lbs with the 2012 Escape. That low payload on the 2013 will not leave much, if any, payload left for a pop up tongue weight.
Yes it has a 3500 lbs tow rating and a low 350 lbs tongue weight rating, but the payload is what limits it the most.
I can't see anyone towing anything other than a small pop up with an Escape as short as the wheelbase is and how narrow the vehicle is.
I think the right size pop up can be done with a couple of passengers and gear, but not a small TT without going over the GVWR by a large amount. That affects handling under emergency swerves and such.