Turtle n Peeps wrote:
mhawk4 wrote:
We finally made the decision and got the new to us 1997 F350. First diesel for us, already been studying the owners manual and maintenance schedule making notes of the things i can tackle on my own. Thanks for your feedback and input.
I will post a pic as soon as Rv.net or my internet access stop acting up.
Do yourself a favor and buy an original Ford CPS and a cheap 10MM wrench and put it in your glove box. You will thank me latter. :B
I just wonder about this , most 7.3's have probably had that original CPS go out fairly early on . Mine did in about two years, was changed out to the upgrade so to speak, and went the next 14 years without an issue. But as you say I guess its not a bad idea to carry one, I did for 14 years. I assume its still in the glove box :B
The second piece of advice is educating yourself where that CPS is, and how to get to it.