Ralph Cramden wrote:
rbpru wrote:
All a WD hitch does is level out the rig, provide better braking and steering on the front of the TV, reduce sway and relieve the weight and wear and tear on the rear suspension.
If you do not care about these improvements or are satisfied with how your rig drives, there is little incentive to invest in a WD hitch.
Personally I prefer the WD hitch for all the above reasons.
A standard WD hitch does nothing to prevent sway, unless it has a built in sway control such as a Blue OX or Equalizer brand and some others, or has it added on sway control such as a friction sway control bar or adding the dual cam option to a standard Reese round bar WD hitch.
A Reese, Husky, Harbor Freight, etc, round or torsion bar WD hitch has no sway control whatsoever.
On these boards people have a bad habit of referring to the spring bars as sway bars, which they are not.
Truthfully. A WDH does eliminate sway. A correctly setup WDH on a Tt will not sway. With or with out sway control, After all Sway control does NOT prevent sway, only helps control it once it starts. That is where a properly setup hitch comes in. It returns CONTROL of the TV, and TT to the driver. You can call it what you want. But "most" not all, but most TV and TT combinations are undrivable with out a WDH. The trailer controls the TV. A WDH fixes that. After all, that is what the are designed to do. Leveling the TV is a side benefit, not the purpose.