tnrv'er wrote:
SoundGuy, no mention of roof material in the brochure. It says "one piece roof membrane w/ 12 year warranty.
TPO is not only a relatively stiff vinyl but it also has a texture to it whereas EPDM is smooth ... one sure way to tell is to remove a vent garnish inside the camper which will allow you to see the back side of the roof membrane where it's folded into the vent hole. The back side of TPO is the same colour as the top and is textured, EPDM is black on the back side. EPDM by it's nature chalks, meaning over time it thins, which is why in time you'll see black showing through with an EPDM membrane. That's when an owner knows it's time to recoat the roof to restore some thickness to the membrane. TPO doesn't chalk at all and short of a unintended tearing or other physical damage is otherwise fairly impervious to the elements. Being relatively stiff it also can't ripple or fold or bubble or be "stretched" tight as can EPDM. Bottom line - if you're really interested in this Grand Design insist the salesperson prove to you that the roof membrane is TPO ... I suspect he won't be able to.