SoundGuy wrote:
bobndot wrote:
They could have been more careful when installing it.
Its non appealing to the eye but i have never heard of a TPO leaking because of this. I have owner 2 with bubbles and had no issues over 11 years of ownership.
On new applications : After the underlayment is installed under new tpo roofs , it needs to be brushed clean ( or use compressed air ) to get rid of dust from sanding the edges,screwheads and seams to prevent tearing of the new tpo.
If some dust remains, the glue will not bite at that particular place, causing a bubble.
The new tpo material is cut larger than the roof top area allowing extra material to hang over the sides. As the mechanics (2) installs the edge moldings, the material needs to be stretched on each side at the same time by pulling it tight, then they screw down the moldings to hold it tight, like a drum head.
They sometimes get lazy because they rush to get these things done and out the door.
Sorry, but having owned a KZ Spree with a TPO roof membrane there's no way this material which is quite rigid can be "stretched" ... EPDM rubber, yes - but not TPO. My bet is the OP is incorrect and the roof membrane on this Grand Design he looked at is not TPO as the rippling he described is not uncommon at all with EPDM rubber membrane.
Again I ask the OP - how do you know this is a TPO membrane and not EPDM? :h
Yes, tnx for bringing that to my attention, i was thinking is might not be TPO too, possibly EPDM.
I can understand confusion when shopping for these things, looking at so many units.
I should have said pulled as tight as possible, not stretched, it is kinda thick material.
I have been present and been an extra pair of hands doing a few rebuilds and you have me re-thinking now because i have seen EPDM bubble with no issues. :)