zulu52 wrote:
I think you are the King of driving in sand.
I'm not. But I would like to drive down the beach.
I would be there by myself and I don't currently have the tires that serve you so well. This stuff looks better than nothing.
Those will do nothing to improve "flotation" which is what you need for things like soft sand.
Wider tires, lower air pressure or less weight are pretty much all that will help. You would be surprised what you can do with stock tires. I hit this spot of soft sand after jefe4x4's brother had chewed it up for me when we came upon it unexpectedly. The picture is how far I got at 80psi (and yes that is down to the diffs) however after digging away some sand (well actually a whole lot of sand), throwing in some brush for traction and lowering tire pressure to 20psi I was able to drive right out of the holes and continue on my way though the rest of the sand.