Forum Discussion

Baja_Man's avatar
Oct 11, 2022

Trailer Brakes HOT after adjustment

Hello all-

Recently completed a bearing pack, bearing seal replacement, and brake adjustment. I can't imaging the heat being caused by the bearing grease packing.

Hub adjustment:

Hubs were tightened, then loosened a little so that wheel spun freely and there was no play in hub when moved in/out.

Brake adjustment included:

Backed out shoes from adjustment port to where the brakes locked up. Then backed out about 5-7 clicks to where there was a mild scrape/sound feel.

I tested brakes by driving around under tow for approx. 5-10 miles braking hard and also using my Tekonsha brake lever to brake hard (not at the same time). I did hard braking doing 30-40mph. I did this to adjust my Tekonsha gain setting and to be sure brakes did not lock up on a hard stop.

After the drive, I pulled over near my home and went back to touch brake drums. They were very hot to the touch...all 4.

Can the slight drag from adjustment be the cause of the excessive heat?
Is it from the hard braking several times?

If drums are hot from not adjusted properly (tad too open), would the 5-10 miles of hard braking and hot drums have caused damage to anything?

  • I tested brakes by driving around under tow for approx. 5-10 miles braking hard and also using my Tekonsha brake lever to brake hard (not at the same time). I did hard braking doing 30-40mph. I did this to adjust my Tekonsha gain setting and to be sure brakes did not lock up on a hard stop.

    After the drive, I pulled over near my home and went back to touch brake drums. They were very hot to the touch...all 4.

    I know if I did this with mine, they would all be hot?

    If you drive around without hitting the brakes that much or hard on the trailer, how hot are then then?

    Unless I missed something in your post?

  • Baja Man wrote:
    That was my first thought......I'll re-adjust with no rub and drive test it again

    ....wonder if any damage occurred?

    I don't think any damage, and likely drums were hot from applying brakes repeatedly.

    I normally can hear a slight drag after adjusting brakes. As to turns backed out, MINE usually amounts to 3-5 turns out, from a setting of hard to turn wheel, with one hand. Turns out can vary, one trailer to the next, but I go by how easily the tire/wheel spins, for correct adjustment. With a light spin of wheel, I like to see it rotate about one and a half turns before stopping.

    With your wheel in the air, grab it at 3 o'clock and 9, try to make it wobble. A barely noticeable wiggle is good. Now give it a light spin, how many revolutions does it go before stopping on it's own? I like to see more than one turn, but more than 2 turns, means there is no drag.

  • After that hard braking it's not surprising that they were hot. No different than your car or truck after repeated hard braking.
  • That was my first thought......I'll re-adjust with no rub and drive test it again

    ....wonder if any damage occurred?
  • I always backed mine off until no drag or scrape sound at all and wheel spun freely.