Forum Discussion

Thunderbolt's avatar
Jun 06, 2017

Trailer Hitch

I was driving to work today and traffic was doing 20 mph and gaining speed on the interstate and bam ! Some idiot rear ended me and wrecked my rear bumper and bent the bracket for the trailer safety chains on the hitch. His Chevy Cruze didn't fair so well. He was reaching for a cigarette and hit the gas instead of the brake. He received a citation from the State Patrol. My neck is sore, but I should be okay.
My truck is older so I am fine with a used bumper, but I think I should get a brand new hitch instead of a used one that nobody knows if it has been overloaded or anything. What do you guys think ?
  • I think the safest and smartest move would be a brand new hitch. Like others I too, my PU was rear ended and without hesitation the adjuster included the hitch and even explained to me why... like NJRVer stated you are now going to see a latent failure to the weld.
  • Similar scenario for me.
    Stopped at a light and guy took off even though nobody else did....BAM! right into the back of my truck.
    When I took it to the adjuster he wasn't going to give me a new hitch.
    It was very, very hard to see a minute crack in a weld.

    I asked him if he was OK with me pulling my trailer and the hitch coming apart.

    He gave me the new hitch.