I approve of the ratings! Everyone else is wrong if you disagree!
When watching the Country Music Awards, or the Emmey Awards on television, one has to wonder who the "judges" are and by what criteria are they making their judgment?
I heard a preacher a long time ago make a comment I quite never forgot when he was comparing something spiritual to the Emmy Awards. He said something like, A bunch of Writers, Actors and Producers get together to make a movie production. They determine the (moral) content, the plot, direct, promote, and advertise their (wonderful and absolute must-see) latest kabash! Then, they give themselves an award for doing such a good thing!
I really forget the "spiritual" (thing) he was relating to, but I never quite forgot that. So, whenever these "awards" or "ratings" are published, one has to always ask: Whose the judge and what was the criteria?