aftermath wrote:
I just read my copy and agreed with a few of the "winners". I look at this as a popularity contest, nothing more. Those who have 'em write about them and as you often see in this forum, the more money you spend on something, the better it has to be.I have a little more respect for CR in that they try to be objective whereas TL has a lot more advertising money involved. Have you even noticed their annual Towing Guide? Almost every other page is a full glossy of a Ford PU. I really question their ability to be impartial.
If you feel that way then why do you subscribe to the magazine???
Advertising in TL had nothing to do with the survey of "TL READERS". BTW, Consumers Reports gets their annual auto survey from "users" of the products. I know I've been involved with the CR auto survey.
So if someone's not happy with a product they purchased they certainly would voice their opinion of it.
I don't take anything as gospel 100%- I do my own research and TL happens to be one of many sources.....
Happy trails,