Forum Discussion

Dragonfly's avatar
May 04, 2014


I tried the search function and couldn't find an archive to check if trailer back up cameras have been discussed. I had a back up camera on my now gone 23 foot motor home and used it often. Especially as I learn the fine art of backing, I would like to add one to my 19 foot Airstream.

I have a $100 wireless back up camera on my truck license plate. I want to keep it to see over the high tailgate of a F150 in tight spaces and to line up on the trailer hitch. I found a camera system which has both the truck rear plate camera and a trailer camera both feeding to one screen. When you hitch up the trailer you also connect the trailer camera over riding the truck camera. It is wireless which makes me nervous about covering the distance from trailer back to truck cab.

Bottom line ...
- What are your thoughts on the usefulness of a back up camera on a trailer?
- Have you used wireless across the truck trailer distance?
- The truck cam is wired to the back up lights. Since the trailer has no back up lights what do you wire the cam to, the tail lights?

Thanks for your thoughts.
  • I'm just-about-put-my-money-down for a backup camera system. One of the great members here on this Forum shared with me what he's using. I could forward the details to you, if wished. His system was a wired system and I plan to duplicate it. IMO, wireless can be problematic and wired is relatively easy to accomplish (I'm pretty much 100% DIY, YMMV) and inexpensive.