APT wrote:
Good tip, gdtrailer! My advice is to plan the exit for any gas station before you commit to enter. Getting in is often easy. Can you get out? If a station you find is like example 'X', take the hard path first. Or, I think a 3rd example as a variant of exhibit 'X', a gas station with a side road with perpendicular entrances.
Yeah, I though perhaps a "bird's eye view" may illustrate the issue a bit clearer.
In the case of this station, you could possibly use the outer pumps, but doing so will result in your rig/trailer taking up two pumps in order to keep from blocking traffic trying to get around the station.. Not to mention taking up two pumps is a less than "gentlemanly" thing to do.. And this one has their tanks placed near the top of pix between the extra parking and the cover over the pumps.. When they get fuel delivery truck it really jambs up the flow.
Interestingly enough, that station is pretty modern, built maybe 8-10 yrs ago so it isn't always "old stations" that has that setup.
Too many better access stations available, observe first, then decide if you can shoehorn it in and out safely.