DutchmenSport wrote:
myredracer wrote:
...Maybe TT owners/drivers should be required to pass an exam and road test to get licenced to tow a TT....
Sorry, even that won't work in some cases. Educate, train, and test away. After it's all over, they'll be back doing exactly what they've always done. Human nature does not change!
Sad, but true. :(
People get their driver's licence for a car (typically teens to early 20s) and have to pass an exam and road test, and in more recent years have had to go through a graduated licencing process (at least here). Thing is though, after that you can toss away the Motor Vehicle regulations book and drive however you want. Speeding (including school & road construction zones), passing over a double yellow, running red lights, changing lanes in an intersection, no use of turn signals, and on and on. Traffic enforcement by cops is almost non-existent. Only thing the rules of the road are good for is when you're in an accident for apporting blame.
No reason to expect anyone would do differently after an RV exam and road test. Sigh...