Huntindog wrote:
I run 75-80 as a matter of routine. The only thing that slows me down is a lower speed limit, or a rare hill that is too steep to allow the truck to maintain speed.
BUT.... I have a stout dedicated TV just for towing, and tires/axles that have been upgraded a lot over how the TT came stock.
I do not believe in running any equipment close to it's max rating.... And that means that most ST tires run at 60 MPH are very close to their max rating! Even as some of you have admitted to briefly exceeding 65 on a downhill with STs.. That simply is not safe. Any tire should NEVER be run in excess of it's rating. Just as a motor with a 6000 RPM redline should NEVER exceed that redline. Every time a limit is exceeded, the risk of a failure increases dramactically.
IOW, most TT/TV combos on the road are too close to several ratings to be "safe" at 60-65 MPH. 50 MPH should be their max to leave them a reasonable safety margin.
I guess I couldn't agree with you less. People with TT's just have no business towing at those speeds. Your TV is not a sports car it is a TV. Also you TT is not a lightweight that you need to respect as any number of things can hamper it. The weight alone makes it a lethal weapon..... to you!
I guess from my point of view, you would be a part of the problem and not what I would like seeing coming up on me in my rearview. IMHO, as we were talking a safe trip for the family and what you described is not that at all. You are a danger to me and my family.