Turtle n Peeps wrote:
GrandpaKip wrote:
The difference between driving 300 miles at 80 and at 60 is only 1 hour and 15 minutes. And that is if you never slow down which is kinda unrealistic. The actual difference will be under an hour.
And an emergency maneuver with a trailer at 60 to 65 is one thing and at 80 is a whole 'nother.
I'm content to sit in the right lane and ease on down the road.
That's true buy lets work the math a little different and see what happens.
You and I both have 21 days vacation.
You and I travel 8 hours a day for 21 days.
You drive 60 MPH and I drive 75 MPH.
Here is what that boils down to:
You get to go 480 miles/ day.
I get to go 600 miles/ day OR I get to pull over at my campground destination 2 hours early. TWO HOURS! I get to relax and take a nap while you're still counting mile markers on the road for 2 hours.
In 21 days I get to go see 2,500 more miles of stuff or I can see the same amount of stuff that you did and relax for 3 days after you get home or I get to see stuff on my stops for 3 whole days.
As you can see, you will have about 2.5 more days on the road of exposure to hit something or be hit by something.
And before anybody starts. If I drive 600 miles a day I only have to fill up in the morning and at noon and the next day it all starts over again so I really only fill up once. (at noon)
I think there is a difference between you 2 and me, as I am with him not you. i think both he and I are retired and look at travel in a different view. One that comes from 100's of thousand of miles and several years of doing this.
New math:
1. have 365 days to go to anywhere (this reloads each year)
2. I do sometimes travel 600 miles but don't make a habit out of it as I have more places to stop and see again then I can use going across the USA.
3. Fuel is a good thing at 65 but at 80 it sucks into the refreshment cooler big time.
$. The rule of RVing is the same as what the old bull said to the young'n "let's walk down and do them all" (old joke of bulls and cows).