Depends on who you are talking to. You'll hear things from junk to best there ever was. They are all built pretty much the same. They all have their issues here and there.
You can't even listen to salespeople regarding quality. While trailer shopping, a few years back, I was at a Starcraft dealer. I mentioned, I was comparing their unit with a Flagstaff, at another dealer. The salesman said "don't buy that Flagstaff, they're junk". Three years later, I was shopping again. I went back to the dealership where I had purchased the Starcraft. I talked to the same salesman (he didn't remember me) who was now selling Flagstaff trailers. He said Flagstaff is the best trailer out there.
The key is how they are maintained. Buy a high end unit, ignore the routine maintenance, and in a short period of time, you have an expensive piece of junk. Buy an entry level unit, maintaind it well, and in the same period of time, you have a nice entry level unit.
Some roads are rougher than others. When you drag these things down the road at 65 mph, things are going to come apart, doesn't matter who put it together.