The brochure I found for Travel Lite lists the 800SBX at 1750lb dry weight.
Most Ford F150s have less than 1750lbs of payload capacity, so you're in a hole right out of the gate. Unless you plan on sitting in the camper cold, naked, and hungry, you will need things like water, propane, food, clothing, etc.. Also any optional equipment such as AC will increase the weight even more.
I would not doubt that by the time all is said and done you are looking at all of 2500lbs for that camper.
You will need to upgrade wheels, tires, add helper springs and airbags at minmum, and you still might not be happy with how it handles. It has been done, and people will tell you they do it and it's Just Fine(tm) and No Problems(tm). Tastes vary, though, and some people are just more tolerant of certain things than others. Only way you'll know is to try.
But, it is an awful lot of camper for an F150.