Forum Discussion

2freelife's avatar
Aug 03, 2020

travel trailer towing difficulty

I'm ready to upgrade from a 19ft travel trailer to a 26ft. I'm going to live in it for 5 or so months at a time. I have a 1 ton diesel truck so that's not a problem. I'm just wondering how much more difficult it will be to tow, & back up. Are some distribution hitches better than others? I've looked at Jayco, Grand Design & Couger so far. I will be very appreciative of any information, & recommendations
  • RICK-ards Red wrote:
    I too upgraded from a 17 foot TT to a 26 foot TT, no issues with towing, you will not notice the difference. For the WD why not get what the dealer recommends as it would match the

    Why not?
    Because we’re talking a 26’ TT behind a 1 ton.
    It’ll barely have enough tongue weight to soften the ride. Won’t even have to air the tires up much (unless you’re also on e of those folks that runs around with 80psi in an empty truck because the tire and sticker “say so.”
    9.5 out of 10 dealers will sell a customer anything they’re willing to buy, regardless of its necessity.
    When you’ve towed stuff for many years, many trailers and many trucks, get back to me.

    Classic example, my in-laws were going to try camping this year. They (were not 100% sold on it, MIL considers the holiday inn roughing it compared to the picked out a nice little camper to pull behind their grand Cherokee. Bout a $15k camper, brand spanking new. By the time they got to the final paperwork it was almost $25k! All they needed was a basic wdh to go with it. FIL was going to put the brake controller in himself.
    THAT is why you don’t doo what the dealer recommends unless you verify first with someone who doesn’t have a financial profit interest in the deal!
  • I too upgraded from a 17 foot TT to a 26 foot TT, no issues with towing, you will not notice the difference. For the WD why not get what the dealer recommends as it would match the
  • Stay away from Cougar unless you want constant trouble because of NO quality control.
  • JRscooby wrote:
    Why on earth do you think you need to richard around with WDH on a ton truck?

    Because of all of the fear spread around like bovine material blindly following the fear mongers like a bunch of wimpy and mindless "lemmings" on this forum and many other forums like this one.

    Fear like "your gonna kill someone" if you do not use WD..

    Fear like it is a "required safety item".

    Fear like "your gonna overload your vehicle".

    Fear like you "you will have sway without WD".

    Fear like "you won't like the ride without WD".

    Not EVERY TV and trailer combo "needs" WD and when you buy up to the "big boys" platform WD really becomes less of a help and some cases may result in a poor handling situation.

    WD was originally designed to to help folks tow much heavier trailers than what their vehicle would have been capable if solely relying on only the capacity of the rear axle..

    There is no law anywhere which states one MUST use WD, it is up to the owner of said combination to determine IF it is needed.

    Got enough cargo capacity, enough front and rear axle capacity, not much reduction of the front axle, you might be a candidate to try a test tow without WD.

    As long as you keep 13%-15% weight on the trailer tongue AND you have a TV that is very capable it will tow stable.

    And for the record, I do not have a "1 ton", nope, do have 3/4 ton and I have about 3500 lbs of available cargo weight on my TV and a 26ft TT with just under 950 lbs fully loaded.. No, I do not use WD.

    No, have not died, have not killed anyone, have not been in an accident, have not had issues with sway and it is a rather comfortable tow.

    I have had to make several major avoidance maneuvers over the years which required stomping on the brakes while cruising at 70 MPH to avoid deer that ran out in front of me.. Kept complete control of the entire rig the entire time avoiding the deer, avoiding fellow motorists and never went off the road or crossed lines in the process..

    Don't think the outcome would have been good if I was relying on a lighter vehicle and WD.. I will take the heavier vehicle..
  • Just being aware that your pulling a trailer, you won't notice 7 feet much unless you were uncomfortable with 19 feet. Lol

    A camping buddy of mine pulls a 30ft trailer with 1-ton Cummins , no WDH.
  • What kind of tongue weight are you looking at with that 26 ft trailer? Why on earth do you think you need to richard around with WDH on a ton truck?
  • People all have their different opinions on hitches, but I always recommend that one goes with one of the more proven manufacturers - especially if you are going to tow for any distance. We have an EQ that we've been using for 10 years and have been very happy with it.

    As for towing, weight clearly should not be a problem. I don't think you'll see a huge change going from 19 to 26. With the exception of needing to be a bit more selective in gas stations at times (something you are likely already accustomed to with a Diesel), just watch your increased tailswing and cornerin-angle and you'll be fine. From a handling perspective, you won't even notice.
  • I can back in my 19ft well. My 19ft tows beautiful, and tracks wonderful behind my truck. I was wondering if a longer trailer would be more skittish, wobbly, or would tow just as well behind a 1 ton diesel. Also wondering which distributions hitch would be recommended. Thanks for any advice