I travel from Salisbury, MD to Bangor Maine all the time. For you, 95 to NJ Turnpike, GW Bridge, Cross Bronx Expressway (95) and stay on 95 until 91 at New Haven, CT. North on 91 until exit 29, keep close eye for it because the traffic builds up there to get on 84 North. 84 North to Mass Pike (90) to 495 to 95 again into NH and Maine. Timing through New York city with a TT is everything. Cheapest gas along that route in on the NJ Turnpike so I usually fuel at the Vince Lombardi Service area, the last one in NJ. Don't buy fuel in CT. You can go around NY City and cross on the Tappan Zee. I used to but not anymore, just as easy straight through, again depending on timing. Enjoy your trip. Where are you planning going in Maine?